Monday, June 29, 2015

A Day Well-Spent

A day well-spent may not be planned.  
(as in our case)

After attending the Sunday mass, we went malling...

and found these Lego Creations that's so amazing...our National Hero in Lego!

had our lunch...

took some pictures

with my three boys...(you can see my husband in the mirror) LOL!

catches their "having-fun" moments (secretly...)

went shopping for his promised toy...

and for his shoes in a blue box.

We visited another shopping mall and was surprised to meet a friend.
We then drop by at my sister's house and these blue gifts are there waiting for us...

a blue Nintendo 3DS from Japan

a Smoked Salmon in blue box from Canada

a blue tshirt from Las Vegas.

Our well-spent Sunday made me realized how blessed our family are.
Thank you, Lord God!

Linking to 

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?
Hosted by Krystyn at Really, Are You Serious?

Smiling Sally

Thankful mom,
 photo f9668c13-4e99-46ae-9b29-9a09232b903c_zps844837c4.jpg


  1. Hi Divine,

    Your fun day was full of Blue! Thanks for making Blue Monday special.

    Could you please correct your Blue Monday link to read:

    Happy Blue Monday!

  2. Cute post! Looks like a fun outing! Love the blues.

  3. Often the least planned out days turn out to be the most fun! Happy Blue Monday!

  4. Lots of divine blues in your happy 'malling' photos ~ loving and fun family shots for Blue Monday!

    Happy Week to you, Happy Fourth of July to the USA
    artmusedog and carol

  5. very nice things for blue Monday.

  6. Looks like a great day of family time - well spent indeed. :)

  7. Looks like a fun family day for sure! Accented with a lot of blue!

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